Welcome Kevin Hayes, Club Growth Director; Elections; Spring Conference
By now some of you may be aware there is a new sheriff in town. Yes, the man in the big white hat, Kevin Hayes, has stepped up to serve as Club Growth Director following Donna’s resignation in October. You may recognize Kevin as last year’s Division Director of the Year, or the EmCee at the 2023 Spring Conference. Kevin will appreciate your support as he helps everyone Build New Clubs in District 39! From front to back: Kevin Hayes, Club Growth Director; Laura Gregory, Program Quality Director; Lance McMahan, District Director; and Denise Alder Gutherz, Immediate Past District Director. IN OTHER NEWS: ELECTIONS: Does your club elect officers twice a year? If so, now is the time to submit your new officer list. Not sure? Here is where to check. SPRING CONFERENCE: Full session tickets are available at $139 until 39 are sold (<10 remaining at this price) or until November 30 (whichever comes first). Price then increases to $149. Register here today! OFFICER TRAINING: Round 2 has begun. Go to the District 39 calendar to register. Please feel free to share this information with your members.