Where Leaders Are Made

Administrative Committees

Several committees do not fit into the Program Quality Committee or the Club Growth Committee, but are needed either due to requirements from Toastmasters International or for the good of the district. Scroll down to learn more about the Administrative Committee.

Audit Committee

The audit committee is appointed by the District Director and is composed of at least three Toastmasters members who are not members of the district executive committee. Led by the audit chair, the committee confirms regularly reviews all district expenses, ensuring expenditures are within policy and alignment to the approved budget.



Audit Committee Chair

Celebrations Chair

District 39 is here to support and cheer on our members. Formed in the 2022-2023 Toastmasters Year, the Celebrations chair is about celebrating our members and leaders. With programs such as the OTYMOTY (Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year) and the C&L (Communication and Leadership, which is awarded yearly to a non-Toastmaster), we recognize those who go above and beyond!



Celebrations Chair

District Leadership Committee

The District Leadership Committee (DLC) is formed to ensure successful district elections. The District Director appoints a district leadership chair (usually a past district leader) who recruits five experienced members to be on the committee which the District Director then approves.

The work of the committee is critical in ensuring long-term district success. They must.

(1) Seek out prospective candidates.

(2) Evaluate and interview candidates.

(3) Nominate candidates.

(4) Provide a complete report of candidates.

The district leadership committee report must be presented to the district director at least six weeks before the district’s Annual Business Meeting. The committee nominates candidates for district office and screens candidates.

If you have any questions about any of the elected roles, check out the “Learn More about District Officer Roles” link to the right. For further questions please reach out to the DLC chair.

Lance McMahan, DTM

Lance McMahan, DTM

District Leadership Committee Chair

Facilities / Logistics

The Facilities Committee is appointed by the District Director to support district events.

The Facilities Chair role includes:

  • Facility research
  • Contract negotiation
  • Supplies and catering at district events


The Logistics Committee:

  • Maintains an inventory of district equipment
  • Maintains the district rental storage unit
  • Is present at all District meetings to set up, break down, and clean up the rooms as needed
  • Coordinates the district equipment needed at TLI and Conferences


Facilities / Logistics Manager


The Historian records and keeps the history of the district. They are also encouraged to provide support and encouragement to clubs throughout the District in recording, maintaining, and using their individual records.



District Historian

Past District Director Committee

This committee is primarily composed of Past District Directors who are currently active in the district. The District Director implicitly appoints them as members. The District Director, Program Quality Director, and Club Growth Director are ex-officio members. The District Director appoints the chairman. The committee meets as necessary, at the call of the Chairman. Its purposes are: to advise the District Director to review district procedures and make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee for changes to maintain the District Operations Manual. Please refer to Toastmasters International Policy, Section VI B 6, “Role of Past Leaders Within Districts” and Article XI, Section (c) of the District Administrative Bylaws.



Past District Director Committee


The District Parliamentarian advises the District Director on parliamentary procedure, especially regarding the District Executive Committee meetings and District Council meetings. The Parliamentarian also provides parliamentary advice to district officers, club officers and other Toastmasters. The District Director appoints the District Parliamentarian.



District Parliamentarian

Realignment Committee

The Realignment Committee operates in close coordination with the Trio, Division Directors, and Area Directors to develop a plan for placement of clubs in areas for the following Toastmaster year. The plan should conform to Toastmasters International’s policies, including at least 3 areas per division, no fewer than 4 clubs nor more than 6 clubs per area, with considerations for geography, possible growth and loss, changes anticipated by current district leaders, and a strategy focused on the benefits for all.



Realignment Committee Chair


The Technology team is responsible for the coordination and efficiency of the District’s technology and services. The Technology Manager is responsible for the overall collaboration and development of the technology.



Technology Manager

Credentials Chair

As a Non-Profit Organization with elected volunteers, we must hold votes for specific updates within our District. The Credentials Chair organizes the opportunity to vote, communicates the how, and helps the district meet Quorum.



Credentials Chair