Club Growth Committee
The Club Growth Director, Assistant Club Growth Director, and the subcommittees work together to build new clubs and to support existing members and clubs within District 39.
The CGD makes the benefits of Toastmasters membership available to a wide audience. Developing marketing strategies for membership growth in our existing clubs is key. Chartering new corporate and community clubs is another priority, harnessing the strengths and abilities of a well-rounded team effort.
Scroll down to learn more about the Club Growth Committee.
Assistant Club Growth Director
The Assistant Club Growth Director ensures all tasks of the committees are being done and fills in for the Club Growth Director when needed. This individual will take time to learn the CGD role, handling Public Relations-related planning with Club Growth Director and Public Relations Manager. They are also responsible for helping clubs with any troubles along with the CGD.
Club Coach Chair
The club coach chair is responsible for identifying struggling clubs qualifying for a coach and recruiting members to serve as a club coach. To earn a DTM, every member must serve as a club coach, mentor, or sponsor. For more information, please visit the SMaC information page or the Club Coach page. If you have any questions regarding this program, please reach out to the club coach chair.
Club Extension
The Club Extension Chair maintains a list of potential clubs, with the contact information. They will contact and meet with the contact person to coordinate and set up a plan to charter. Once the plan is created, they obtain 2 Sponsors and 2 mentors from the New Club Support chair and approve this with Club Growth Director. Once the club is ready to charter and submits paperwork, the extension chair will schedule a meeting for the club to have the New Member chair train the new members.
Club Retention
The Club Retention team will promote and track the 4 membership campaigns of the year. They will come up with incentives, track the incentives, and award the winners. They will help ensure clubs and their members renew and follow up with anyone not renewing.
Community Outreach
The Community Outreach team will research potential grounds for community clubs and send any solid leads to the Club Extension Chair.
Corporate Liaison
Using the Corporate Club Program, the Corporate Liaison will connect and communicate with current corporate clubs if the company is not actively supporting their club and propose this new program to them to encourage corporate support. They will contact companies with good potential for clubs and present them with options for clubs. They will promote the need for ongoing support, assisting companies with any and all questions. Once a club is ready to charter, they work with the extension chair to get the paperwork complete and the club chartered. After chartering, they will plan a meeting with New Member Chair to train the club. They will help remind Corporate Clubs 60 days prior to renewals to align their payments.
CGD Events
The Events team will work with the Club Growth Director to plan and host events during the year. They will work to locate and propose potential events that District 3 could participate in or go to. They will vet and propose any requested attendance of the Trio at any events.
New Club / New Member Support
The New Club Support Chair will maintain a list of potential mentors and sponsors for new clubs and ensure that each person on the list knows the requirements. They will train new sponsors and mentors to be successful. They will help track and remind clubs to send emails to Toastmasters International for mentor and sponsor confirmations.
The New Member Chair will plan and coordinate new member training for any new members entering the District. They will hold monthly, district-wide training for these members. In addition, they will plan and train newly formed clubs and their members.
Youth Leadership & Speechcraft
The Youth Leadership and Speechcraft Chair will coordinate with all clubs in supporting Youth Leadership Programs and Speechcraft activities within Toastmasters Clubs and in the community. The Youth Leadership Program is an 8-week workshop for young people between the ages of 4-18 to develop their communication and leadership skills. Speechcraft is a 4-6 week program to help prospective and new Toastmasters get a taste of public speaking through a condensed version of a Toastmasters member experience which aims to inspire them to continue their Toastmasters journey. These two programs also highly beneficial with assisting in the fulfillment of DTM requirements and provides a great leadership experience.
The Chair will assist and guide you in planning for your activity. Contact the Chair for new opportunities to provide these worthwhile programs to your Toastmaster prospects and any group in the community that is as passionate as we are about being excellent communicators and leaders.