Where Leaders Are Made

Toastmasters New Club Incentive extended – Save Hundred$

OPEN A NEW CLUB NOW SAVE HUNDRED$! The Board of Directors has extended the waiver for charter fees and new member fees!! The charter fee ($125) and the new member fees ($20 per member) have been waived for all clubs which charter by June 30, 2021, and pay the current term renewal dues. For a club with 20 new members, this is a total savings of $525! To qualify, new clubs will need to: Fully complete the charter process by June 30, 2021. Pay the prorated dues for the current period; and Pay the $45.00 per member charter membership dues. Each member would pay the following at the time of charter: CHARTER MONTH PRORATED DUES1 CHARTER DUES TOTAL DUES2 February $15.00 + $45.00 = $60.00 March $7.50 + $45.00 = $52.50 April $45.00 + $45.00 = $90.00 May $37.50 + $45.00 = $82.50 June $30.00 + $45.00 = $75.00 1Members who transfer their membership to the new club do not pay the prorated dues. 2For charters in February or March, dues for charter members would be paid through September 2021. Clubs chartered on April 1 or later, members would be paid through March 2022. Interested? Questions? Club Growth Director: Denise Alder Gutherz, denise.alder@district39.org or Club Extension Chair: Lance McMahan, DTM, lance.mcmahan@district39.org or (916) 316-0573 for assistance.