Where Leaders Are Made

Why should I attend the Fall Conference?

Kelly Sargeant – Second Place World Champion and Motivational Speaker will speak on how to improve your speaking skills and club leadership.




Meet our District 39 Trio.  Share your challenges, concern and successes with them.  Club Growth Director Wes Johnson DTM, Program Quality Director Jane Taff DTM, District Director Zack Souza DTM.



Noralee Cole DTM will present 23 DTM medals to 23 District 39 recipients that worked hard to attain the title “Distinguished Toastmasters”.  Cheer your fellow Toastmasters!



Friday Fun Night promises to be a Rockin good time.  Meet and chat with members from other clubs.  DJ Music and Dancing.  Costume Contest.




This is the last District 39 Fall Conference and this is the last Humorous Contest.  Attend, root for your club members competing.  Sign up now, it’s not to late.

Click here to register On-Line or mail in Registration Form!