Where Leaders Are Made

As District 39 Director, this is my last published spotlight for the 202-21 Toastmaster years.  This is a very special one indeed, for this spotlight must be shared.  This recognition goes to all those who stepped up to leadership for this year in District 39.

Club Officers kept their meetings going, absorbed the discomfort of membership loss in some cases, and kept right on meeting the needs of your members.  You altered your agendas, adopted virtual meetings, continued Pathways, and you remained on a steady course.

Area Directors worked hard keeping clubs together, making club visits, completing reports, and mentoring club leaders.  You asked questions and provided answers.  You dared to lead even when the pandemic was at its worst.  You are commended.

Division Directors, you set the tone for survival in a most challenging year.  The leadership you displayed, holding your Divisions together this year, was a classic example of determination in the face of adversity.  Your Divisions survived.  Some thrived.  As a group you were indomitable.  You set an example for how other Division Directors should respond in a difficult year.  Well done.

Our Teams of Club Mentors, Coaches, Trainers, our Pathways Ambassador and Training Supervisor, and all advisors and helpers were invaluable providing support and advice that helped meet the needs of our membership.  You did not quit when things got tough.  You got tougher.  You are admired.

The Executive Team of our Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Public Relations Manager, Logistics Manager, our Parliamentarian, and advisors Wes, Joey, George and Brian who worked tirelessly expending long hours (sometimes around the clock) supporting this District and ensuring we (and I) operated in the best interest of each member and club.

Last, but certainly not least, I had a chance to work with two seasoned veteran Toastmasters to form a Trio that helped to guide us through this most challenging year.  Because we learned to work and grow together, the future looks bright for 2021-22.  Thank you Nancy and Denise for all you did.

The torch will soon be passed on and I will have ended my run.  I am grateful to have served alongside all of you, from Sergeants-at-Arms to Program Quality Director.  I learned much and grew as a leader.  I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to serve with you and for you.  You deserve special recognition indeed for keeping “39” strong.  Bravo Zulu for “doing the right thing”.