Dear Members,
You are invited to apply online for a Pathways Guide position in our district! This is a great opportunity for you to be a part of Toastmasters International history. As a Pathways Guide, you also earn credit toward your Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award.
You will partner with an Ambassador to visit up to 10 clubs in our district and deliver a presentation about the Pathways learning experience. You will also conduct regularly scheduled virtual support sessions with the vice presidents education of your assigned clubs and answer their questions.
To ensure you are prepared, you will be given all resources and guidelines you need to succeed in your role. Your six-month term will begin in the Fall of 2017 and will conclude 6 months later (exact dates TBD). For your service, you will be awarded with credit toward your DTM award and may be substituted for one year of service as a district leader.
Please review the Pathways Guide Role Description located on the Toastmasters International website for further details. If you are interested in serving in this exciting position, please complete
the online application. Please submit your completed online application to me no Sunday, June 11, 2017.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your time and participation.
Zack Souza, DTM
Program Quality Director 2016-17
Toastmasters District 39
Online Application Link:
Pathway Guide Role Description: