Dear Division Directors,
In order to better support your members and clubs during the COVID-19 group size limit, the Trio has authorized funds to purchase two Zoom Pro accounts per Division.
The two Zoom accounts will provide each Division virtual meeting options for Club, Area, and Division meetings and Contests in lieu of cancelling meetings.
These accounts will be reimbursed during the months of March, April, May, and June.
Here is what we need for each Division Director to do:
- Find 2 people in your Division that will serve as Zoom Masters for your Division.
- Each Zoom Master will :
- Acquire and Manage 1 zoom Pro account for your Division
- Schedule virtual zoom meetings for Clubs, Areas and meetings in your Division.
- Serve as Tech Support for Zoom meetings in your Division.
- Collaborate with Zoom Masters in other Divisions to help share needed resources.
- Each Zoom Master will :
- Share Division Zoom Master contact information with the Trio
- Submit 2 zoom receipts in Concur for reimbursement in April, May, and June
- Contribute to the Zoom Masters group discussion
A Zoom Masters page will be created that has information regarding virtual meeting best practices, Zoom Master contact information and other collaborative information to help support our members & our clubs. As always, we appreciate your patience and your willingness to work together for the good of District 39.