District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

2023 District 39 Speech Contest Winners

Congratulations to District 39 Toastmasters International Speech Winners!!! From left to right:  Second Place Winner – Guleenna Bakshi   First Place – Donnie Crandell   Third Place Winner – Mirka Johnson   Congratulations to District 39 Evaluation Speech Contest Winners!!! From left to right:  Second Place Winner – Cole Garcia   First Place Winner – Marcy Johnson   Third Place Winner – David Ng

Zoom Masters

Visit here for news & resources on conducting Virtual Meetings. Zoom Masters What is a Division Zoom Master? Works with the Division Director, Areas and Clubs to schedule and support virtual meetings Provides Tech Support and resources Collaborates with Zoom Masters in other Divisions Ensure clubs can establish and conduct virtual meetings. Support Division and District Virtual events (Councils, Contests, Meetings) Each Zoom Master will : Acquire and Manage 1 zoom Pro account for your Division Schedule virtual zoom meetings for Clubs, Area Councils, and Division and meetings in your Division. Serve as Tech Support for Zoom meetings in your Division. Collaborate with Zoom Masters in other Divisions to help share needed resources. Zoom Master 1 Zoom Master 2 Zoom Master 1 Zoom Master 2 Division A Kathleen Sandoval Mike Sullens Division F Robin Dyer-Oliver  Marianne Ward Division B Angie Rodriguez Laura Gregory Division G Pat Knight David Betowski Division C Kelly Cummings Yuki Arends Division H Reham Newar Marcy Johnson Division D Justin Gomez Lynda Mendez Division I George Jarosik Theo Pope Division E John Pasamonte Marshalle Graham Division J Brian Hatano Katherine O’Ray District Zoom Master: Adrianna Lucero FAQ: Is there a Discussion Group ? Yes, there is a Slack Channel https://district39.slack.com/, #zoom-masters channel An invitation will be sent to all District Zoom Masters, if you need an invite, please send request to Wes Johnson Virtual Meeting Resources: Toastmasters – Online Attendance On-line TM meetings – vers 2 D52OnlineGuide-zoom Thanks to District 52 for online guide Look Good On Camera Get Ready with Zoom Get Ready for Online Meeting Get Ready for Online Contest Thanks to District 108, Lithuania for these useful tips   Adrianna Lucero and Quinn Buniel hosted our first Virtual Zoom Meeting Training.

Zoom accounts and Virtual Club Support

Dear Division Directors, In order to better support your members and clubs during the COVID-19 group size limit, the Trio has authorized funds to purchase two Zoom Pro accounts per Division.  The two Zoom accounts will provide each Division virtual meeting options for Club, Area, and Division meetings and Contests in lieu of cancelling meetings. These accounts will be reimbursed during the months of March, April, May, and June.   Here is what we need for each Division Director to do: Find 2 people in your Division that will serve as Zoom Masters for your Division. Each Zoom Master will : Acquire and Manage 1 zoom Pro account for your Division Schedule virtual zoom meetings for Clubs, Areas and meetings in your Division. Serve as Tech Support for Zoom meetings in your Division. Collaborate with Zoom Masters in other Divisions to help share needed resources. Share Division Zoom Master contact information with the Trio Submit 2 zoom receipts in Concur for reimbursement in April, May, and June Contribute to the Zoom Masters group discussion A Zoom Masters page will be created that has information regarding virtual meeting best practices,  Zoom Master contact information and other collaborative information to help support our members & our clubs.  As always, we appreciate your patience and your willingness to work together for the good of District 39. Thanks, Wes

DECM Emergency Meeting – Virtual Contests

Emergency DECM 2020-03-16 The District Executive Council decided to continue to conduct Speech Contests for the 2019-2020 contest cycle. Contests conducted through June 1, 2020 will be done virtually. The Program Quality Team has been tasked with communicating the details of how this will be implemented by March 31, 2020. Virtual Contests will be conducted in April & May.  Division Directors will decide when these contests will occur. Toastmaster International Letter to District Leaders Roll Call DECM Emergency Meeting Toastmaster International Updates: Board of Directors 03/14/2020 Dues Due – Extension Leadership Award Submission – Extension

Meet District 39’s First Accredited Speaker Donny Crandell

Meet District 39’s First Accredited Speaker Donny Crandell By Kristi Beres On August 26, 2017, at the Toastmasters International Conference in Vancouver, Canada, Donny Crandell became the first speaker from District 39 and one of only 75 Toastmasters to achieve the Accredited Speaker award.  Crandell, a 2016 World Championship of Public Speaking finalist shares his thoughts about his journey on becoming an Accredited Speaker. When did you join Toastmasters? I joined five years ago. My first Club was Placer’s Gold in Auburn, California.  What is the Accredited Speakers Award? Toastmasters recognizes professional speakers with a rare, prestigious designation called, “Accredited Speaker.” Through a rigorous application process and video submission, the candidate must pass level 1. After that, it’s off to level two, speaking at the International Conference Accredited Speaker forum. What is the screening process like? It’s an arduous journey but well worth it. The level one video is judged by five judges and you must receive a 70 % scoring on average. You also have to complete 25 speaking engagements within a three year period. Fifteen of those 25 speeches must include audiences of 20 or more who paid to hear you speak. You also must have five endorsement letters from those fifteen paid engagements. A record of the location and the amount of pay received was submitted with the application. How did you find out about the Accredited Speakers program? I first heard about it through Emma Santa from our district, and later from [AS] Sheryl Roush when she presented a seminar on the subject at a district conference in Stockton. Who helped you refine your Accredited Speakers presentation? I received the best feedback from Jeffrey Purtee and other Toastmasters in the Reno area.  How was preparing for the Accredited Speakers finals similar or different than preparing for the semifinals of the World Champion of Public Speaking? The biggest difference for me was that I didn’t have to memorize this presentation, but I did memorize my International speech. There is far less pressure with the Accredited Speaker’s accreditation because I was not competing against anyone but myself and the judges. And most importantly, you’re not disqualified for going over time. When did you find out you were a finalist? I found out that I passed level 1 on May 19, 2017. The night before I competed in the District 39 International contest in Anderson, California. Who are the judges who judge you and the other Accredited Speakers finalists? There are five anonymous judges at both levels; the video presentation and for the live presentation at the International Conference. What were the highlights of the Toastmasters International convention? Speaking at the Accredited Speaker program and earning the designation.  I also enjoyed a bike ride around Stanley Park and having a late night visit with friends from Sacramento and Reno at the Marriot Pinnacle restaurant.  Now that you are an Accredited Speaker- what do you hope to do next? I want to continue working as a professional speaker, but not yet ready to quit my day jobs. I also plan on competing to be the World Champion of Public Speaking. I will continue speaking as much as possible, in as many venues as possible, to be the best speaker I can possibly be. I still have plenty to learn to be a professional speaker.   Authored by: Kristi Beres, DTM Public Relation Manager District 39, Toastmasters International kristi.beres@district39.org

Meet your District 39 Champion!

Only having been a Toastmaster ten days shy of 11 months, Keerthi Karnati represented The Original Articulators and won District 39’s International Speech Contest May 20, 2017. Keerthi shares her thoughts on her background, Toastmasters, mentorship and competing. D39: Where did you grow up and go to school? I grew up in India and did my Bachelors there. I went to Arizona State University for my Masters, worked in Arizona for some time and moved to the Bay Area. I got lost in the crowd and busy life of the Silicon Valley. That’s when I decided to rebuild myself and my personality in a calmer location. I moved to El Dorado Hills in May 2015. What do you do for a living? How has Toastmasters helped you at work? I work as an analyst for a Healthcare company. I am more confident in my meetings and presentations. I am also calmer because I can better articulate my emotions without having to show them physically. What is your dream job? I would love to do something where I am coaching and inspiring young girls who are struggling with confidence issues, who have been bullied or abused. I want to be able to tell them that they have hope. I could not save a friend from suicide years ago, a guilt I carry everywhere I go. So, I want to make sure I stop someone else in my radar this time. How did you find out about Toastmasters? I was googling “Ghostmasters” for a weekend activity and came across Toastmasters. I knew at that very instant, it was something I had to do. Who are your mentors in Toastmasters? I have had the incredible opportunity to be mentored by a lot of people, but Noralee Cole and Skip Smith have been the key. Noralee was more than happy to be my mentor when I walked up to her after the first meeting I attended. Skip has been a great evaluator of all my speeches and his feedback works the best for me. Who convinced you to compete at the club level? After my third speech, [Area Director] DawnMarie Times, introduced this idea of the International contest. I googled the information and brushed it away thinking I’d never be able to reach that level. But as I progressed in speeches, I gained some confidence. I decided to give it a try. I have never done anything solo on stage and felt this was a good opportunity to see where I stood. I was bent on conquering my fear at any cost this time. How did you practice for the competition? Do you tape record or video your speeches? I made a rule for myself that I would practice the speech once every day no matter how busy I am. I did record myself on my phone but never videoed it. I worked with Noralee Cole and Skip Smith over the weekends, I visited clubs for feedback. I wrote all the feedback down and evaluated the ones that resonated with me. Incorporated them and practiced again. My biggest challenge was timing. I was close to 7:30 min most practices. Fortunately, I was 6:56 min on the district stage. I honestly, do not know how the time works for me. I worked my enunciation because I am not a native English speaker. What was the scariest part of competing? That if I didn’t succeed, I’d never be able to convince myself to fight my fear again. It was not just a competition for me, it was a battle, a battle against my inner demons. How did it feel to be the only woman on a stage with all men? I was intimidated by the level of sophistication each of my very talented fellow contestants carried. And there was definitely that added pressure that if I don’t perform well, I would add to the stereotype that a woman cannot compete against men which is not true. Women are just as equally talented as men. You are the only contestant in recent memory who wore something so culturally specific. What was your intent in wearing it at the contests? What I wore is called a “Salwar”. I felt it would be authentic to present my story with as many details as I could visually. I was wearing mostly salwars back in India. It helps me portray the person I was in my speech, during my bullying, teenage years. It does not necessarily shape my speech but definitely reinforces my personality in my speech. How did it feel while you were competing? I was close to fainting. Stage fright has been my worst enemy for years. Even to this day, I struggle with it. I have learnt to face it with all my strength. Right before the competition, all the failures I have faced, all the times I embarrassed myself in front of the audience flashed in my head. Michael [Stephens], one of the other contestants, came to me and said “You are presenting your truth and you should not be afraid of it”. That’s when I felt a little relaxed. I felt like I am telling everyone my story because I know there are people in the audience with the exact same experience and they needed to know that they were not alone. What were you thinking when Toastmaster Ed Johnson was announced the winners? I was sure I didn’t win. My friends were jumping with joy and I didn’t quite understand why. I was just trying to console myself saying I did my best and that was winning in itself. When my name was announced, I was speechless and had a mini-heart attack. I did not expect that. But when I saw the audience give me a standing ovation, I felt extremely blessed. It was those claps and smiles that touched my heart much before I touched the trophy. I have never in my entire life expected such a response. What did you and your

D39 Toastmaster Spotlight: Donny Crandell

In this interview, we learn insights from Donny Crandell after his experience at the 2016 Toastmasters International Conference in Washington DC. He won first place in his semifinal speech contest and then competed in the final 10 in the World Championship! Can you recommend an extraordinary Toastmaster for our next spotlight? Email the roving reporter at davidgoadspeaks@gmail.com Q: Donny, which club do you belong to and how long have you been in Toastmasters? A: I’m the current President of Washoe Express in Reno, NV. I’ve been a member of Toastmasters for 5 years. Q: Let’s start with the most important question, how is the new baby? A: I love having a baby! He’s already learned an incredible talent: before I can even get a new diaper buttoned up on him he poops again, making me hurry to put a second diaper on. Then, he grins and gives me a little laugh. Q: Congratulations on winning the semifinal. That’s an achievement that very few speakers accomplish. What did you do differently this year that helped propel you to the win? A: This year’s contest was a little different than last year. This year I used two call-backs from contestants who spoke before me. I also knew what to expect from being on the semifinal stage and about how many people would be in the audience. It helped to have a year of experience. I appealed to the international audience by talking about different geographical areas in my speech. But the main difference was that I was more comfortable with myself and the contest this year. Q: What did you share in your contestant interviews on stage? A: In my first interview, I gave a shout out to District 39 and thanked the Toastmasters who gathered at UNR at 5:00 A.M. to eat donuts and watch me speak. But, my best line was sharing how “I joined Toastmasters to learn how to preach shorter sermons”. Everyone clapped! In my second interview, I shared how one of my rituals before giving a speech is taking a minute to pray. I gave a list of four things I pray about, but the last one got the biggest laugh: “I pray that God helps me not go over time. Sometimes He answers my prayer and sometimes He leaves me to my own devices.” Of course, I already knew that I disqualified myself by going over time to 7:34. I also cut it close in the semifinals at 7:28! Q: What are some of the comments you received from audience members after your speech that really stuck with you? A: After winning the semi’s, I felt like a celebrity as I walked through the Marriot Marquis lobby. For a day, I thought I was Donald Trump instead of Donald Crandell. I was stopped by dozens of people who congratulated me and wanted to take selfies. After the championship, I had to remind those who stopped me that I didn’t win or even place and their response was….” that doesn’t matter, YOU WON! You made it to the World Championship.” Very few people had a critique, maybe because they knew I disqualified myself. Overall they liked both my speeches and they made them feel good and inspired. There were a couple folks who asked permission to give constructive criticism and they shared valuable insights with me about being more conversational and not pacing as much. Q: Which of the other finalists were you most impressed with and why? A: There were 5 men and 5 women, which I think had never happened before on the championship stage. It also seemed there was a divide between older folks (like me) and millennials. The last contestant, Katina was very nice and we whispered our evaluations to each other after every speech. I was number 9 speaker and she was number 10. I would say the final 10 were a pleasant, diverse, international group of contestants. But, like the Olympics, we had more from the United States than any other country. As far as my favorite speech, I liked Aaron’s message, “You can say a lot without saying a lot of words.” Darren’s championship speech about “bullying” was well-done, but in my opinion not as original as the first one I mentioned. Okay, the underwear was original! Q: What did you learn from the experience competing at this level that you most want to share with your fellow District 39 Toastmasters? A: My take-aways? If I ever make the championship stage again, I will use a winning speech I’ve already done, instead of writing a new one. I challenged myself this year to write a new semi and championship speech. I had only given my championship 1 time before giving it on the championship stage. If I had used my semifinal speech from last year, I’m convinced I would have at least placed. Secondly, make sure you get some sleep the night before the contest. My wife couldn’t go (because of our pooping baby), so I had a buddy join me for the conference. He snored so loud, I didn’t sleep 10 minutes the night before the championship contest. And finally, pray harder about God helping you not go over time, and help God answer your prayer by shutting up sooner. Q: Anything else you want to add that I did not ask you about? A: It was awesome to have our district members support me. They sat together, cheered together and made me feel like a winner. I was especially impressed with those who got up at 5:00 A.M. to watch the contest live stream. I wish every competitive Toastmaster could experience the Big Stage. It’s a natural-high like no other. Now that I know what to expect, I leave you with the words of Arnold Swartznegger, “I’ll be Back.” I also want to thank the clubs who offered and allowed me to practice with them. District 39, I tried my best to get us on the map again and make you