District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

D39 Vision 2020

Greetings District 39 Toastmasters, Why did you join Toastmasters?  Why do you stay?  I joined to improve my communication skills.  I stay because of what I have learned and the wonderful people who have become my friends along the way.  I hope you have a similar story you can share. The Toastmasters New Year begins on July 1st.  There are a few changes this year, but our Mission is still the same. If we focus on doing the right things at the right time, we will achieve amazing things this year.  How will we know what the right things are? We need to plan for Success.  I am asking all leaders in our great District to collaborate with each other and plan for a President’s Distinguished year. Let’s be One Team heading down One Path becoming One District that everyone wants to join!   District Mission: We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. Vision Statement: District 39 will achieve President’s Distinguished status before May 31, 2020 Slogan: Focus Together on the Most Important Thing Motto: One Team • One Path • One District What is the Most Important Thing?  (Execute Success Plan) Core Values: Integrity, Respect, Service, Excellence Big Picture: President’s Distinguished District The One Thing: Execute Success Plan     Guiding Principles: Speak with hope about the toughest of issues. Be Solution focused rather than problem focused. Refrain from reacting and giving voice to pessimism, criticism, self-criticism. Speak about problems to the right people in the right way. Replace negative words and thoughts with positive and encouraging words. First 100 days (June 6 – Sep 14):  Success Plan – District, Division, Area, Club Training – Division, Area, Club Club Visits – Know your clubs Retention – No member loss, No club loss Growth – New Members, New Clubs Second 100 days (Sep 15 – Dec 24): Quality – 100% Trained Growth – Add net 5 members Distinguished Clubs – Distinguished in December Club Visits – submit reports Nov 30 Third 100 days (Dec 26, 2019 – Apr 4, 2020): Training – Club Officers Contests – Club, Area, Division Final months (April, May, June) Conference Succession Planning Distinguished Clubs Club Visits – submit reports May 31 District 39 Vision 2020  

Special Message from Toastmasters International President Lark Doley

January 5, 2019 Dear Club Presidents, 2019, the year of the Wow, is upon us…are you ready? I ask you to ‘Wow’ your current and prospective Toastmaster members with the best club experience possible. Welcome to The Wow!Factor Project! The goal of this program is to increase the quality and performance of each club around the world. When you visit a McDonald’s anywhere in the world, do you expect a consistent experience? Toastmaster members and guests have a right to expect a consistent, quality club experience anywhere around the world, too.  Let’s raise the bar of every club across the globe to be more uniform and top-performing. Let’s make this our gold standard! Please start 2019 with a deep analysis of your club. This is the time to be proud of your accomplishments, but also to be realistic about what needs to be improved. Utilize tools, such as the Club Quality checklist and Moments of Truth, to fully assess how your club is performing. Find the gaps and areas of weakness. Then in February and March, I want you to put these vital club findings into a plan of action. Fill in the gaps to become ‘the best club possible.’ Utilize more tools, such as the Open House Flier and new marketing materials, to improve each club experience, to conduct the ‘best meetings possible.’ Publicize and hold Open Houses to recruit new members. Share the benefits of Toastmasters with friends and co-workers. Invite members to think and say “wow!” when they attend a meeting. Be on the lookout for a kick-off video program that will encourage you to send in a video of your club’s unique Wow experience using #wowfactor. By March, your Wow factor should be in full motion and then keep it in motion! Have each member of your club re-assess their individual goals. Re-assess your goals! Continually improve the club experience. Continually publicize when and where your club meets.  Promote the mission of the club to share the benefits of Toastmasters membership. Retain existing members by supporting their personal and professional goals. Is your club the best example of The Wow!Factor Project? Are you personally an example of The Wow!Factor? Show me! Send in your video using #wowfactor! I am excited to embark on this journey with you to show the world how we Wow! Sincerely,     Lark Doley International President 2018–2019 Toastmasters International www.toastmasters.org

Save the Date

Where can you get the benefits of the Fall Conference and the Leadership Breakfast for only $39? [button link=”https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/”]Get your tickets here[/button] https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/  

Improve your Pathways experience

NOTE: Updated article to include 2 more ways to add the extension to Chrome browsers.  As members are using Pathways, it seems they are having challenges with the user interface.  I used to dread logging into Pathways for one specific reason.  Stop fighting the Pathways popup and enjoy the Pathways content.  This one change will improve your Pathways experience.

Placer Community Awards Toastmasters!

Media Contact: Kristi Beres (714) 809-2593 Kristi.beres@district39.org  For Immediate Release: Feb. 13, 2018 Going for the gold-   Placer County partnership with Placer Gold Toastmasters earns Community Leadership Award  AUBURN, Calif.—Toastmasters District 39 Director Zack Souza presented Placer County Executive Officer Todd Leopold a Community Leadership Award Feb. 9 to celebrate the organization’s ongoing commitment to the community and its employees. Placer County employs more than 2,600 people and sponsors Placer’s Gold Toastmasters.  This Toastmasters club was chartered 26 years ago by county employees. The county provides meeting space for the club and actively encourages their employees and the public to join Toastmasters to develop their communication and leadership skills.  Placer County celebrates their employee achievements by posting their Toastmaster leadership accomplishments on their intranet. “Toastmasters provides opportunities for improving communication skills, relationship building and legacy building.” said Leopold. Placer’s Gold charter member Kimber Goodman said, “Toastmasters excavated the confidence in me like gold in a gold mine.” “Placer County supervisors encourage Toastmasters as a professional development tool to help us reach our potential,” said Veena Vijayaraj-Kadidal, who is both an information technology analyst at Placer County as well as the Toastmasters District 39 Division F Director. She said she has seen introverts develop into accomplished speakers who train others for a living. “Toastmasters helps us run better meetings, improves our listening skills and provides effective feedback,” she added.  ”Toastmasters come from different backgrounds. Office staff needs to communicate with their managers and the public, lead meetings and some may present to larger audiences.” Placer’s Gold Toastmasters President Jenny Hughes, “As a Placer County business owner and resident, I am grateful for the support Placer County has given our club.  I love that our county is being recognized for that support.” Toastmasters District 39 Director Zack Souza added, “The Toastmasters education and leadership program provides an experiential environment that help members grow in their careers.” To interview Zack Souza, learn more about Toastmasters membership, contact Kristi Beres, Toastmasters’ District 39 Public Relations Manager at 714-809-2593.  About District 39 Toastmasters District 39 is one of 102 Toastmasters districts, which comprises more than 160 corporate and community clubs in Northern California and Northern Nevada. To learn more about District 39, please visit: www.district39.org About Toastmasters International Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., the organization’s membership exceeds 352,000 in more than 16,400 clubs in 141 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit www.toastmasters.org. Follow @Toastmasters on Twitter. Placer County Supervisor Jim Holmes, Toastmaster District 39 Director Zack Souza, Toastmaster Division F Director Veena Vijayaraj-Kadidal, Placer County CEO Todd Leopold Photo Courtesy: Placer County  

Submit Your Club Proxies

Submit Your Club Proxies  Club Presidents and Club Secretary -Sign on to TI website, Toastmasters International, click on Leadership Central, click on Club Central, Click on club number, and click the top link to assign your club proxies to a district member attending the annual business meeting at the Toastmasters International Convention in August. It is important to remember that there is a business side to the Toastmasters International Convention. The convention provides an opportunity for representatives from clubs around the world to make decisions that guide the organization into the future.  To ensure a quorum is met with sufficient representation, Toastmasters International uses a proxy system at the Annual Business Meeting to conduct the business of the organization. If a club representative cannot attend the convention, they can name its District Director or another Toastmaster member that is attending the convention to serve as its proxy.