Membership Dues
Dear Toastmaster We noticed that your membership dues have not yet been submitted to Toastmasters International. While it might have been an oversight, there are just a few days until the deadline of September 30 to renew. If Toastmasters helped you: Grow personally or professionally Learn new skills Reduce filler words Run efficient meetings Make or improve friendships and relationships Or If you have: Had fun at your club meetings Given or heard inspiring speeches Enjoyed Speech Contests Answered Table Topics better each time Benefited from thoughtful evaluations Then, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you have every reason to renew in the proven program that puts you and your goals first. Renewing your membership will allow you continue your achievement path in Toastmasters, hold office, earn awards, have uninterrupted access to Pathways and participate in the Humorous speech contest being held in October. Contact your club officer today! If you have a credit card your club officer can pay your Toastmasters International dues online. Grow with us and learn the skills that will take you into your best future! If you are a Club Officer: Call your members and help them renew their membership. Timely submission of your own dues will give you uninterrupted access to Club Central where you can submit education awards, add new members, pay membership dues, etc. If you are the President, VP of Education, or Secretary, you will have Uninterrupted access to Pathways Basecamp The ability to approve education awards for your members Keep up with the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals. Find Tutorials on Leadership Central – How to pay Dues /add members by Club officers
Member’s Dues Are Due!
If you are a club officer – a couple of tips to help you with your renewals… Don’t let a couple of late members hold up your renewal – renew the members whose dues you have collected so you can meet the deadline! The others can be renewed as you collect their dues. Don’t wait until the last day to renew – with over 16,600 clubs around the world, the system gets incredibly busy as the September 30 deadline approaches. A club must have at least 8 members paid by October 1 to be in good standings. There is no longer a grace period. To submit dues renewals online, simply Login to using your personal username and password. Click on Leadership Central, then Club Central Click on your club name to pay renewals. Under Conduct Club Business, click on the option Pay dues. Once on this page, simply select the option of “in the future.” This will pull up all orders with a future membership end date. Select the members you wish to pay for and follow the prompts to submit payment. Consider these important details when processing membership payments: Renewals can be submitted online, by mail or by fax. Please make sure the renewal is complete before sending. Do not submit renewals by e-mail, because financial information in an e-mail is not secure. Dues renewals can be paid online if paying by credit card. If paying by check, print the list indicating the renewing members and mail it, along with payment in US funds, to Toastmasters International. Make checks payable to Toastmasters International. To remain in good standing the minimum requirements are: at least eight members must pay dues and three must be renewing. Need help? Contact Toastmasters International Member Services at [email protected] or call 1 (720) 439-5050.
Renew Dues Today
Toastmasters is now accepting membership dues. Any Club Officer can submit Toastmasters dues using Club Central. It’s easy to renew membership with just a few clicks Visit Club Central – Click Submit Payment Click Add to cart button for Member(s) that are to be renewed Scroll to the bottom of the screen to see your Membership Cart, repeat step 3 until Membership cart lists members for this transaction. Click continue to Payment information Enter payment information for this transaction Click Submit payment If there are more memberships to renew, repeat steps 3 through 7 Notes: This process covers member dues with Toastmaster’s International Don’t forget to settle your club dues with your Club Treasurer.
Zoom Masters
Visit here for news & resources on conducting Virtual Meetings. Zoom Masters What is a Division Zoom Master? Works with the Division Director, Areas and Clubs to schedule and support virtual meetings Provides Tech Support and resources Collaborates with Zoom Masters in other Divisions Ensure clubs can establish and conduct virtual meetings. Support Division and District Virtual events (Councils, Contests, Meetings) Each Zoom Master will : Acquire and Manage 1 zoom Pro account for your Division Schedule virtual zoom meetings for Clubs, Area Councils, and Division and meetings in your Division. Serve as Tech Support for Zoom meetings in your Division. Collaborate with Zoom Masters in other Divisions to help share needed resources. Zoom Master 1 Zoom Master 2 Zoom Master 1 Zoom Master 2 Division A Kathleen Sandoval Mike Sullens Division F Robin Dyer-Oliver Marianne Ward Division B Angie Rodriguez Laura Gregory Division G Pat Knight David Betowski Division C Kelly Cummings Yuki Arends Division H Reham Newar Marcy Johnson Division D Justin Gomez Lynda Mendez Division I George Jarosik Theo Pope Division E John Pasamonte Marshalle Graham Division J Brian Hatano Katherine O’Ray District Zoom Master: Adrianna Lucero FAQ: Is there a Discussion Group ? Yes, there is a Slack Channel, #zoom-masters channel An invitation will be sent to all District Zoom Masters, if you need an invite, please send request to Wes Johnson Virtual Meeting Resources: Toastmasters – Online Attendance On-line TM meetings – vers 2 D52OnlineGuide-zoom Thanks to District 52 for online guide Look Good On Camera Get Ready with Zoom Get Ready for Online Meeting Get Ready for Online Contest Thanks to District 108, Lithuania for these useful tips Adrianna Lucero and Quinn Buniel hosted our first Virtual Zoom Meeting Training.
Marching to the goal
It’s the first week of March. There are 17 weeks left until June 30, 2020. Deadlines: Mar 31, 2020 – Membership Renewals Apr 17, 2020 – District Spring Conference May 31, 2020 – Club Visit report submitted (Area & Division Directors) Jun 30, 2020 – Traditional DTM (all requirements completed) Club Status: April Dues renewal status March 4, 2020 57 Clubs – (Part of the quorum) – verified complete – 8 paid members, 3 from previous renewal period 28 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – low – less than 8 members 25 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – ineligible – less than 3 members from last renewal period 48 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – no member dues received Clubs in Good Standing: Minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members – at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period. Clubs not in good standing are ineligible to cast a vote at District Council or Annual Business meeting and are not included in the quorum. Division Directors Finalize Division Contest Club Visits Retain Clubs New Clubs Area Directors: Finalize Area Contests (help your fellow Area Directors, and Division Director) Club Visits New Clubs Club Leaders: Membership Renewals – make sure your club is in good standing – March 31, 2020 Review Club Success Plan – Education Awards Update Club Success Plan for growth opportunities Club Officer Elections & update Officer assignments in Club Central – May 31,2020 Members: Support your Area / Division contests Renew your membership Take on a new Club Officer role Complete a Path Level Start a New Path
22 Weeks – Toastmaster Promise
What should we focus on? With 22 weeks left in the Toastmaster year, we need decide on where to focus our efforts. Deadlines Feb 29, 2020 – Club Officer Training (Club Officers) Mar 31, 2020 – Membership Renewals Apr 17, 2020 – District Spring Conference May 31, 2020 – Club Visit report completed (Area & Division Directors) Jun 30, 2020 – Traditional DTM (all requirements completed) – DCP Credit (Club Officers & Club Members) – New Clubs What is important? The answer to this question is personal, you must decide what is important for your situation. What matters most for you will be based on where you are in your Toastmasters journey and your role in leadership this year. What is urgent? Once you decide what matters most and the associated deadlines your decisions will become obvious. Focus your energies on what is most important and what is most urgent. The Eisenhower Matrix Introduced by President Eisenhower as a time management tool, the Eisenhower Matrix can help everyone focus on what is most important now and how to manage other things on your to do lists. For more info on the Eisenhower Matrix and how it can help with Time Management read this article. What if I’m not a leader? You might be a POT (Plain Old Toastmaster) who is not actively involved in leadership this year. I challenge you to become more engaged and lead by example. You have a responsibility to your fellow Toastmasters. When you joined Toastmasters, you made a promise. I have summarized the Toastmaster promise here. Toastmasters promise summarized: Attend club meetings; be prepared and engaged Work the education program Provide helpful, constructive evaluations Serve as a club officer when asked Treat everyone with respect and courtesy Bring guests to club meetings Follow guidelines and rules for Toastmasters education and recognition programs Conduct all Toastmasters activities within core values integrity, respect, service, excellence Bottom Line Whether you are a District Leader, Club Officer, Past District Leader or a Plain Old Toastmaster we are all leading others by our example. What kind of example are you setting for others? Are you keeping your promise?
October Dues Update
Congratulations to Division H for completing 100% renewals. Several Divisions are a close second. Which one will be next? Renewals Status at a glance – according to Toastmasters WHQ: 135 clubs submitted their renewals on time 14 clubs submitted less then 8 renewals on time 2 clubs submitted renewals, but still need at least 3 renewals from last period 5 clubs clubs have not submitted renewals yet Reminder: Toastmasters does not count member renewals until funds are received by WHQ. Checks sent to your Treasurer, might be delayed. The data for this graphic came from the October Dues Renewals Status on the District 39 Toastmasters Performance Dashboard To see details of the renewals graphic, you can find the details in the attached RenewalsStatus spreadsheet. RenewalsStatus2019-10-08 RenewalsStatus2019-10-02 RenewalsStatus2019-10-01 RenewalsStatus2019-09-30 RenewalsStatus2019-09-29 RenewalsStatus2019-09-28 RenewalsStatus2019-09-27 RenewalsStatus2019-09-26 Toastmasters has not received funds from 5 clubs. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 7166965 B 24 Renewals Logistics Linguistics Reno 6938 D 43 Renewals Vacaville City Speakers Toastmasters Vacaville 7538467 F 63 Renewals Thunder Masters Lincoln 1323242 F 63 Renewals Sutter Oracles Roseville 5251716 G 74 Renewals SPS BSD Toastmasters Club Sacramento There are 2 clubs are ineligible. Ineligible means the club needs at least 3 members to renew from last renewal period. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 5696979 G 74 Ineligible Franklin Speaking Rancho Cordova 5687658 J 3 Ineligible Social Toasters Sacramento There are 14 clubs that are low. Low means club needs at least 8 members to be in good standing, 3 from last renewal period. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 1530887 A 13 Low Truckee Talkers Truckee 646938 B 23 Low Tahoe Toastmasters Club Stateline, NV, 89449 299 C 31 Low Paradise Toastmasters On The Ridge Club Paradise 662 C 31 Low Hooker Oak Club Chico 1247772 D 42 Low Davis Daytime Toastmasters Davis 1075001 D 41 Low Team Travis Toastmasters Travis AFB 2470475 E 54 Low Speakerlab Sacramento 9349 F 64 Low Penn Valley Club Penn Valley 1735 G 73 Low Determined Club Orangevale 703068 G 74 Low EdTalkers Club Mather 5739080 G 71 Low Powerschool Toastmasters Folsom 5966134 I 94 Low Speakers Unlimited Elk Grove 3372 I 92 Low Delta Toastmasters Club Stockton 3438 J 1 Low Coyote Communicators Club Sacramento