Cara Lane


Cara Lane is a top-notch trainer and inspiring motivational speaker who has traveled around the world. You will be amazed by her enthusiasm for teaching the fundamentals of a passionate life.

Her fast-paced delivery, sprinkled with impactful stories and anecdotes, makes her one of the most stimulating and sought-after speakers in the world. She will keep you enthralled with her vibrant messages on life delivered with high energy.

Her audio CDs and DVDs have surpassed over 50,000 copies worldwide. Cara is a proud wife and mom, a faithful friend, a woman of faith, but most of all, an encourager and motivator of the heart. Learn more about Cara Lane at



Seminar Synopsis

“Show Me the Money! How to Get Paid to Speak”

Ever dream of being paid to speak? Cara Lane is living her dream, speaking to hundreds of people each week around the country. She will provide real-life experiences on her journey to becoming a professional speaker. She will give you insight on how you can embark on the path of getting paid for your presentations. You will find out what it takes to make a living as a speaker and the lessons she learned along the way. Put your Toastmasters experience to work for you, as they have for her.