District Council Meetings
The Next Virtual District Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6:00 pm with Zoom to be opened at 5:30 pm Pacific Time.
The district council is required to hold at least two meetings each year. The next council meeting, also known as the annual meeting, will take place virtually on September 26, 2023. The Zoom meeting link is on the calendar event page.
To conduct business during a virtual meeting, a quorum must be met. A quorum consists of one-third of all eligible club presidents and vice presidents. A majority of the votes cast is required to pass a motion.
In the event that any business is transacted at a district council meeting where a quorum is not present, a subsequent vote must occur. A majority vote must then consist of all clubs in the district, and each club is allowed to cast two (2) votes.
The voting process will be the same for any voting scheduled to take place after the meeting. Proxies for virtual meetings are not permitted, and the president and vice president of education must cast their own vote. District executive committee members are entitled to one vote and may cast up to one additional vote as a club president or vice president of education of their club.