District Governor Team

Brian Hatano, DTM District Governor

Brian Hatano, DTM
District Governor

Executive Team

District Governor: Brian Hatano, DTM
Lt. Governor Education and Training: John Davis, DTM
Lt. Governor Marketing: Sondra Nunez, DTM
Public Relations Officer: Philip Williams
District Treasurer: Myra Golson, DTM
District Secretary: Sue Eisberg
District Sgt. @ Arms: Lieutenant Coopwood
District Parliamentarian: Rick Sydor, DTM, PID
Immediate Past District Governor: Joey Waldrop, DTM, PDG

District Governor’s Team

Exec Assistant to DG: Jayne Nielsen
Exec Assistant to DG: Jeanne Bane
Exec Assistant to DG: Cynthia Hatano
PDG Advisor: Gary Pettigrew, DTM
PDG Advisor: Patty Fong, DTM
PDG Advisor: Dianne Bish, DTM
Nominating Committee Chair: Joey Waldrop, DTM
Realignment Chair: Gary Pettigrew, DTM
Credentials Chair: Herb Long, DTM
Audit Committee Chair: Dorothy Smith
Proxy Chair: Bill Inman
District Historian: Marcia Sydor, DTM, PID
District Statistician: Joe Spencer, DTM
District Video and Audio Chair: Joey Waldrop, DTM
District Audio/Visual Lead: Skip Smith, DTM
DTM Coordinator: Noralee Cole, DTM
Community Judging: Herb Long, DTM
Standing Rules: Louise Houdelette, DTM
Directory: Sue Eisberg
Storage Key Holder: Myra Golson, DTM
Storage Key Holder: Louise Houdelette, DTM
Storage Key Holder: Brian Hatano, DTM
Storage Key Holder: George Jarosik, DTM